Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists
Much improved end user experience for examiners making the results process simpler and more efficient
Secure, centralised and consistent mechanism for storing results - secure results access for authorised stakeholders
Fewer errors, more efficient - reduction in manual handling of examination results, reducing the chances of error

Integral engaged with ANZCVS to deliver the project using an agile delivery methodology which ensured a tightly managed scope with feature delivery prioritised by the business owner.
ANZCVS needed a system where examiners working remotely could enter exam results for verification, moderation and storage.
Their incumbent system had little automation in the processing and recording of exam results giving rise to the possibility of human error.
The key solution components are:
Examination Administration – Provides the facilities for users with appropriate permissions to configure exam question structures and results requirements for individual subject components including written, oral and practical elements. It also enables the users to schedule examinations, assign candidates and allocate subjects and candidates to examiners.
Results Administration – Is used to enter, moderate and manage exam results for individual candidates. A means of registering examination staff and candidates
Reporting – Provides access to pre-configured system reports, enabling users with the appropriate access to run reports and get access to candidate, examiner and results information.
Results Processing – This component provides all of the automated results calculation and processing functions.
Examination Results Workflow – The ERS is
supported by a workflow process that manages the status of candidate result records, handles transition between states based on business rules and generates the appropriate notifications when action
is required.
Security and Access Control – This component enforces ERS permissions, ensuring that individual users only have access to ERS functions defined by their role. The other significant elements of the solution includes those designed to ensure security and privacy of information. The ERS is hosted in secure infrastructure that limits access to system components and ensures that all information transmitted between the application and end users (via the internet) is encrypted.
After thorough elicitation of requirements with the ANZCVS stakeholders, Integral designed a web-based solution built on industry recognised tools, ensuring readily available skills in the market. The system is hosted in Microsoft Azure to allow for on demand scaling as well as simple technology upgrades without significant configuration.
ANZCVS supports the veterinary profession in Australia and New Zealand through the assessment and recognition of expertise and rewarding of excellence.
The college does this by providing college membership and fellowship based on levels of expertise and competence.
College membership signifies that a veterinarian has expertise and competence in a nominated subject area. To become a member of the college a candidate must have at least four years post-graduate experience as a veterinarian and have successfully completed both written and oral/practical examinations in one of the diverse range of subjects on offer.
College fellowship is associated with scholarly and technical excellence in a particular subject area. Standards required for training and examination in fellowship subjects meet or exceed the prerequisites for registration as a veterinary specialist in Australia and New Zealand.