The power of purpose
"The COVID-19 pandemic meant the need for sustained support was never felt as keenly as it was in 2020. Many charities were no longer able to operate as they had and needed to find ways to navigate the challenges the pandemic presented. For some, this meant embracing technology and finding new ways to deliver services, for others it meant paring back services, and for many it meant putting a hold on activities entirely." - The Hon Dr Gary Johns, ACNC Commissioner (former)
Employing more than 10% of Australia's total employees and contributing more than $176 billion in revenue to the national economy, not-for-profit organisations form a significant sector of our economy. And like all industries in recent times, charities and not for profit organisations have not only experienced disruption, but have seen significant increase in demand as our society looks to the sector for support for everything from floods, to unemployment assistance to mental health and more.
Adaptability and speed have been hallmarks of the not-for-profit sector during times of crises with Australia’s recent pandemic, flooding, fires, and droughts. Many were challenged with controlling expenses, remote or virtual program delivery, hosting in-person events, implementing new technology & tools, and virtual or online events. These trends were the result of growing inequality, a widespread adoption of digital tools, and a growing sense of mistrust in NFPs.
Integral can equip your not-for-profit with the ways of working, communications and engagement, and digital tools needed to stay relevant in a progressive industry.
Our clients in the NFP space