Integral, powered by WHITE ROOK Cyber - Integral

Cyber security = business resilience = business confidence

Integral, powered by WHITE ROOK Cyber

Cybersecurity is top-tier risk and top-tier business and government priority in Australia and globally. 

Together, Integral and WHITE ROOK Cyber offer you, our clients, confidence to mitigate against cyber security risk and respond and remediate in the face of a breach or security incident.

Integral recognises that cyber security is a key area of concern for most of our clients, and to ensure we can help you to address this business issue we have partnered with WHITE ROOK Cyber.  

WHITE ROOK Cyber is a leading, specialist Australian cyber security firm and our partnership means we can confidently offer you a comprehensive suite of advisory, technical, and delivery services related to cyber security risk mitigation and incident response.

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Enhancing Business Resilience through Comprehensive Cyber Security Solutions

Australian businesses now view cyber security as one of their biggest risks. The rise of malicious threats, tightening laws, governance, compliance requirements, and significant financial penalties that apply for serious breaches, have seen cyber security risk management as MUST HAVE on board priority lists. 

The dynamic nature of cyber threats requires a holistic approach that spans the entire business and we know that you are actively seeking technology and business advisory partners who can be your trusted partner for cyber security risk mitigation and incident response.

You want to work with partners who can assist you with your business strategy and execution, including the cyber security risks that impact all areas of your business. Organisations must have appropriate controls in place to safeguard against malicious cyber activities, along with adequate response and recovery capabilities. 

Last year alone, there were several significant data breaches in Australia that hit mainstream media, raising awareness of cyber security and the impact on a business’ confidential or individual’s personal information. These high profile incidents highlighted the importance of having an appropriate incident response and recovery process in place that is clearly understood by all layers of your business. Particularly the impacts to your clients, and risks presented by third party suppliers. 

Build your resilience – Cybersecurity services from Integral, powered by WHITE ROOK Cyber

Powered by White Rook, Integral clients can now tap into specialist cyber security services. These services include, but are not limited to, cyber assessment, risk assessment, security reviews and monitoring, advisory assessment, privacy reviews and so much more. 

You can feel confident that your technology is secure, and you have a cyber security strategy in place to drive your business strategy and aid in incident response.

Integral powered by WHITE ROOK Cyber logo

  • Digital Resilience Assessment
  • Cyber Security Maturity Assessment 
  • Security Operations Maturity Assessment
  • Breach Readiness Assessment 
  • Cloud Security Assessment
  • Offensive security
  • Cyber security advisory
  • Managed security services
  • Security awareness
  • Simulations & exercises
  • Security testing
  • Incident response

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